Pre 64 Mod 70 257 roberts ammo question

Copper BB
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:15 pm
I have a 99% 257 roberts pre 64(serial# 299,000range) I would like to shoot. Is it safe to shoot plus P ammo? Thanks for your time. Not for sale.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:23 am
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In a pre-64 firearm...I would think not.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:18 am
I own a pre-64 M70, 257 rbts i believe is 1955 as well but I've never heard of or seen 257 rbts ammo marked "Plus P". . My S&W ammo, in 38 spec, is so marked but not my Remington or Winchester 257 ammo. .

I reload for mine and just follow my manuals and work up the loads to where I like them. .

One thing I have noticed lately with my 257 factory Winchester ammo, in the silver box, they fit quite tight in the chamber. . I haven't used any of it and won't until i check the seating depth of the bullets. Remington stuff is okay.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:00 pm
I've never heard of Plus P ammo in rifle chamberings. Most commonly in 38 Special revolver chamberings. By way of answer, another perspective. Just to remark that the reputation of the pre 64 Model 70 was built upon its quality of metallurgy, uncompromising design and craftsmanship. I'm not just reciting vintage sales terms here. These rifles are very strong and I would suggest they are capable of chamber pressures comfortably at the maximum recommended for any contemporary production rifle. Does that mean to push the matter. NO! But if Winchester is chambering such a round, it should be perfectly safe for such a rifle.'
My take

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:03 pm
Strangely enough, I have heard of and seen plus P ammo in 257 Roberts. It's the only rifle ammo I've ever seen with that designation. I don't know for sure but I wouldn't think it would be much different than Hornandy's Super Performance ammo. I wouldn't think it would be unsafe to use in any modern rifle.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:40 am
sw0596 wrote:Strangely enough, I have heard of and seen plus P ammo in 257 Roberts. It's the only rifle ammo I've ever seen with that designation. I don't know for sure but I wouldn't think it would be much different than Hornandy's Super Performance ammo. I wouldn't think it would be unsafe to use in any modern rifle.

By golly your right, I looked up the Hornandy page and there it was plus P. , ... rformance/

The 257 rbts, pre-64 M70, is the same receiver and bolt as the magnum cartridges except the magnum bolt face is opened up for larger case heads and the H&H magnums have the front of the receiver notched out for cartridge clearance and longer magazine. . Aside from that, it's all good. . I load up 73 gr of 4831, for pre-64 338 and that's an easy load.. . The 375, federal premium ammo with 275 gr bullets, and no issue there as well. . As far as I know the heat treatment was same for all receivers and bolts.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:40 am
I'm way late to this discussion, however I would not hesitate to shoot the Plus P ammunition in that rifle.
I am not sure that Winchester even produces anything but the +P when it is available I was recently given 4 boxes of once fired +P brass All my brass is head stamped +P and I'm shooting it in a pre war action .
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