Winchester Model 50 12ga Safe to Operate?

Copper BB
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:01 am
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:46 am
For my 15th birthday (1962) my dad gave me a Winchester Model 50 for skeet and bird hunting. I still have that gun and just shot a round of skeet with it a few weeks ago. As I always have done with that gun, I got home removed the fore arm, barrel, and another piece which I learned is called the floating chamber. I have done this since owning the gun. Now, here is my concern. Through a youtube video I learned that the floating chamber is supposed to have a little spring operated pin on one side. Mine doesn't and I don't ever remember seeing one on it. It does have a small hole where the pin is supposed to go. My question is this - is it safe to continue to operate the gun with the pin missing. I'm sure it has been gone for years and the gun has functioned flawlessly without it. If anybody knows anything about this, I would greatly appreciate an answer. :cry:

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:02 pm
I would imagine that part would be important to the correct functioning of the firearm...and I would have it checked by a gunsmith before continuing to use it in said condition.

Some reading material...

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